IRS Offer in Compromise
Are you looking to settle IRS debt? Unfortunately, many taxpayers are not aware that there is an IRS Settlement program known as the IRS Offer in Compromise. In fact, we represent more taxpayers on IRS tax settlement services than any other service.
It doesn’t matter if you owe $50,000, or $50 million. The IRS Settlement program only looks at your household income and household assets. In all reality, it is a simple math formula: Annualized Net Household Income + Net Equity in Assets . . . that number becomes the IRS Settlement number that the IRS will accept to settle IRS debt.
Settle IRS Debt

Settle IRS Debt with an IRS Offer in Compromise By Using Our IRS Tax Settlement Services
If you owe the IRS and don’t think you’ll ever be able to repay the tax debt, you may qualify for the IRS Offer in Compromise. The process is rather involved and includes submitting a full financial disclosure to the IRS. You are required to submit form 433-A (OIC) and form 656, in addition to supporting documentation (such as bank statements, paystubs, mortgage statements, etc.).
The average IRS settlement takes about 9-14 months for the IRS to review. At the end of the review, the IRS will either accept your IRS settlement, deny your settlement, or make a counteroffer. If your IRS settlement is denied, you are afforded appeal rights, which you should absolutely take advantage of.
IRS Tax Settlement Services
Schedule a free case analysis with our tax attorney to discuss your case. We will go over our IRS tax settlement services in detail and will let you know what we think we can offer for the IRS settlement. If you want to settle IRS debt, don’t go at it alone. You deserve to pay the least amount possible for your settlement. We just recently settled a $200,000 tax liability for only $700 through the IRS Offer in Compromise program! Schedule your free case analysis today.